Polo sport has a very important evolution over the years, until reaching the luxurious and sensational skill of today’s polo players.
But this skill does not come alone, training is a fundamental part. For a good training it is necessary to take into account the level of the player, since an amateur will not train with more demands than a professional one and surely he will not do it so often. But in general it can be said that a good workout is one that complements physical preparation exercises combined with technique.
If the player has the presence of a physical trainer who can exercise him and be able to correct errors and bad postures, which may appear during training would be the most convenient. In this way the player adopts these habits and in the future they could already train alone, without the supervision of a teacher.
In this game, training requires basic physical training but with a predominance of endurance and strength, which is what a polo player needs most. In this sport a lot of coordination strength is required. The exercises that are usually more appropriate and the most practiced among the players are: triceps strength, quadriceps and abductor exercises, push-ups, in addition to a strong abdomen workout.
These are the parts that are most demanded and the ones that must be trained with greater dedication. In addition to the posture that is required and to which all practitioners of this sport must adopt.
And last but not least, stretching and lengthening, especially in the spine, every time training or a game ends, is essential for relaxation of the body after practicing such an intense sport.